In my opinion this set of 22 stamps is the most beautiful of the definitive issues. I find them interesting due to the designs, topics and colors, even though they are each printed in a single color. In the following pages I will give a little history regarding these stamps and on page five I will illustrate a few blocks from various sheets that show perforations missing. These missing perfs. are constant varieties in the sheets. |
To date, Bangladesh has only issued twenty four stamps with "SPECIMEN" overprints. In this one case, the overprint was done in black with a rubber stamp. These were prepared to be distributed to high officials as gifts. The stamps are the set illustrated here and the two Kamal Ataturk stamps (Scott #202-203). Due to the number of illustrations on these pages, please have patience and wait for them to load. |
Not only do I find this set interesting for the reasons mentioned earlier, they are of interest because of their color guides, plate numbers, sheet numbers and gutters. All of these elements make it an interesting subject for collectors. |
The set was printed by Harrison and Sons, Ltd., London, U.K., with 200 stamps per sheet. The sheet is actually two sheets of 100 stamps with a gutter between the two sheets, making it possible to have 10 gutter pairs from each sheet. The position of the color guide, sheet number and placement of the printer's name varies with the different denominations of the stamps. |
These 11 stamps were printed in two different sizes. Six are in a vertical format and five in a horizontal format. The same set was used for official business and the set was also overprinted "SERVICE". The quantity of the printing of each value is not known but the most commonly used values were printed in larger quantities. For example, the 10p Fenchugang Fertilizer Factory stamps with the "SERVICE" overprint are found with plate number up 1a to to 3C. |